environmental activism

How Pop Music Helped Save the Whales

Arts, Culture & Media

The scientist who discovered whale song knew it was something special. When he won over singer-songwriter Judy Collins, the result jump-started an environmentalist movement.

Invasive species

Report: Invasive species target islands, coastal areas while upending ecosystems

Fossil Fuel protest

Millennials are the new ‘fossil fuel freedom fighters’

Most of Miami-Dade County and greater South Florida is barely feet above sea level, with new development moving into some of the most flood-prone areas.

For Miami’s immigrants, some of the cheapest land is the most vulnerable to climate change

A passenger train starts, with a green carriage which is believed to transport 30 people who were arrested over a Greenpeace protest at the Prirazlomnaya oil rig seen in the train formation, in Murmansk on the way to St. Petersburg, November 11, 2013.

Greenpeace activist tells of life in a Russian prison

Conflict & Justice

The protectors of the world’s largest fresh water lake may be put out of business by a Russian court


A citizens’ group devoted to protecting Siberia’s Lake Baikal, the largest and deepest lake in the world, may be forced to close after being declared a “foreign agent.” The court ruling follows a 2012 law forcing any group that gets foreign funding and engages in political activity to register as a foreign agent or face big fines.