
What’s for dinner? Edible insects on the menu in San Francisco

A chef in San Francisco is hoping to encourage more people to eat insects rather than or as a supplement to meat. They’ve been on menus for centuries.

Insect photo

A new study pieces together the puzzle of insect evolution

Mealworm dish in a Yunan Restaurant

A Dutch supermarket is bringing edible insects into the mainstream

The giant hornets found in northern China can grow up to two and a half inches long.

China’s giant, killer hornets are straight out of a horror movie

Monarch butterfly (Photo: Karen First)

The monarchs were missing this summer … and we and weather were to blame


Sex and the Single Pest

Instead of applying pesticides to crops, Yoonseong Park decided to manipulate pest mating behavior by knocking out the brain chemical that transmits sexual desire. It works, and it could change the future of pesticides – except that right now, there’s no way of impacting pests.

How Insects Influence Plant Evolution

From the spice of the chili pepper to horseradish’s bitter bite, many plant traits are evolutionary adaptations to insects.

Experts look to edible bugs to help ameliorate food scarcity


The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says insects will be a viable solution to food scarcity. Edible insects are picking up momentum in the United States and in countries like Thailand, where the edible cricket industry is already worth $30 million.

Bug farmer working to introduce insects to European diets

Bugs are a popular source of protein in a lot of the developing world, but eating insects are almost unheard of in the developed world. A farmer in Spain, though, wants to change that and make bugs a regular source of protein in European diets.

Invasive insect species on the move, with big consequences


Global trade has made it remarkably easy for exotic insects to move from one side of the world to another. Once they arrive, they can totally devastate an ecosystem.