Endocrine system

Fruits and vegetables are often wrapped in plastics containing chemicals harmful to human health

A new study highlights the urgent need to regulate phthalates in plastic

Health & Medicine

A new meta-study correlates phthalates in plastics with numerous health disorders, including obesity, male and female reproduction problems and mental health troubles.

Household chemicals

A new book advises parents about how to cope with a world awash in toxic chemicals


New research says commonly used chemicals are partly to blame for obesity

Health & Medicine

Children with Type 2 diabetes not responding to drug treatment

Health & Medicine

A better way for type 1 diabetics



Scientists, philosophers, psychiatrists and others explore the mystery of consciousness.

‘This is Your Brain on Poverty’


‘Living on Earth’ reports on research suggesting that the stress of poverty may lead to problems with memory and language skills.

Children with Type 2 Diabetes Resist Drug Treatment, Study Finds

Once upon a time, type 2 diabetes was a disease reserved almost exclusively for adults. But as obesity has become more prevalent among young people, so too has type 2 diabetes. A troubling study on the disease was released yesterday by the New England Journal of Medicine, painting a stark picture of how the disease […]

Innovative Design Turns Insulin Pump Into Fashion Accessory

All month we’ve been talking about innovation –  speaking to innovative people and discussing innovative ideas. Now  we hear from   a woman who has designed a product for diabetics that not only solves a problem but is changing attitudes too.  Jessica Floeh  is the creator of Hanky Pancreas, a line of insulin pump accessories –  scarves, neck pieces and other […]

Study Shows Double in Global Diabetes Cases Over Three Decades

The number of adults worldwide with Type 2 diabetes–formerly called adult-onset diabetes–has doubled over the past three decades, to 350 million people, according to a new study by the British medical journal The Lancet. Nearly 25 million Americans have the disease, and the study also shows that a healthy diet–over excercise–is the best method for […]