
The generation of a ball of mouse skin through stem cell work has created excitement among the the scientific community about possible new insight in skin formation — especially on humans.

A ball of mouse skin could lead to new insight in human skin generation


A group of researchers from the Indiana University School of Medicine were trying to develop inner ear tissue of a mouse using stem cells. What they ended up with was much different — and possibly a major breakthrough in understanding skin formation.

A human ear.

This new treatment could combat hearing loss by regenerating hair cells in the inner ear


Bioengineers create life-like human ear with 3-D printer

The World

BirdNote: Pacific Wren

Earth Ear

The World

Emerging Science Note: Nano Ear

Scientists in Germany have developed a nano ear capable of detecting sound waves six orders of magnitude below the threshold of human hearing.

Earth Ear

Listen to two Flufftails from Madagascar. The same family perhaps, but with different habits – one roams far and wide while the other is a homebody.

Earth Ear

Chorus frogs sing during a winter rain on Santa Cruz Island, off the coast of California.

Earth Ear

Bagpipes and bells echo through a small village in Greek Macedonia during their winter festival.

Earth Ear/Windchimes in the Rain

A heavy storm in California shakes the chimes at midnight.