
Contrary to classic depictions of a tyrannosaurus rex, paleoartist Gabriel Ugueto says that the massive carnivores likely were covered in small feathers on the top of their bodies.

Turns out, dinosaurs probably had feathers. This artist is using science to draw more accurate pictures.


Think you know what a tyrannosaurus rex looked like? Based on recent fossil findings, you may be surprised.

Monument Rocks

Hunting sea monsters in Kansas is easier than you might think

Dino snout

Scientists roll back evolution by turning a chick’s beak into a ‘dino-snout’

The World

How to build a dinosaur

The World

Meet the new horse-headed, 35-foot-long, beaked Deinocheirus mirificus

An artist's impression of feathered dinosaurs

Was T. Rex actually pink and covered in feathers?


A new fossil found in Siberia suggests the possibility that all dinosaurs had feathers, not just the last ones, which became birds. So maybe T-Rex was pink and feathery?A new fossil found in Siberia suggests the possibility that all dinosaurs had feathers, not just the last ones, which became birds. So maybe T-Rex was pink and feathery?

Brazil taking tentative steps to protect marine biodiversity


Brazil’s Amazon rainforest is renowned for its biodiversity. But the Atlantic waters off its coast are also home to incalculable numbers of animals for hundreds, if not thousands, of species. In recent years, Brazil has moved to protect those animals as well.

Evolution of a Natural Miracle

Arts, Culture & Media

The Geo Quiz is looking for the German state where the first fossil of a feathered creature was discovered 150 years ago.

Big Brains Strike Again

Two back-to-back studies on how big-brained animals thrive in new habitats piqued my curiosity about the real implications of relative brain size. If you heard last week’s science podcast, you know that species with big brains relative to their bodies are more successful than small-brained ones in new habitats. That holds true for birds, mammals, […]

The World

Emerging Science Note/Social Birds

Researchers find some birds have high concentrations of a neural hormone which may be the reason why they flock together.