Deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest


Lula promises sustainable development for the Amazon


Brazil’s new President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has promised to promote sustainable development for the Amazon — stopping deforestation while keeping agribusiness thriving. This is not an easy task.

Cattle graze on land recently burned and deforested by cattle farmers near Novo Progresso, Para state, Brazil.

World leaders pledged to end forest loss. What will it take?

Climate Change
Red and orange blazing fires in Amazon forest

Amazon fires push the forest closer to a dangerous tipping point

An aerial view of a tract of dry land cleared by loggers and farmers surrounded by green tree tops.

Strict Amazon protections made Brazilian farmers more productive, new research shows

Climate Change
Fields growing soybeans for the global market have replaced dense rainforest along the Brazilian Amazon’s 'arc of deforestation.'

For illegal loggers in the Brazilian Amazon, ‘there is no fear of being punished’

The World

Amazon Deforestation on the Rise

After more than 6 years of steady declines the deforestation rate in the Brazilian Amazon has more than doubled in the last six months. Many observers blame recent changes to Brazil’s Forest Code for the dramatic rise.

The World

Carrots and Sticks: Saving the Amazon and Stalling Climate Change

In Brazil they’re using carrots and sticks to prevent deforestation in the Amazon. Federal agents are stepping up law enforcement and farmers are experimenting with a new way to profit from a standing forest.

Amazon Deforestation

Shortly after environmental activist Dorothy Stang was murdered in Brazil, the country’s president Lula da Silva pledged to step up law enforcement to stop the violence. He has also agreed to create two large reserves in the area where the 74-year-old nun lived and worked. Host Steve Curwood talks to Outside Magazine contributing editor Patrick […]