Computer law

Lori Erlendsson attends a pro-net neutrality Internet activist rally in Los Angeles.

The FCC delivers an Internet declaration of independence

Global Politics

Net neutrality has been the battle cry of many people who fear that business interests will take over what they consider a public tool supporting freedom and democracy. The FCC chair has finally come around to that view. His newly-announced plan, though, may not end the battle over control of the Internet.

Aaron Swartz poses in a Borderland Books in San Francisco. The Internet activist is the subject of new documentary about his life, activism and death.

The story of Internet icon Aaron Swartz comes to life in a new documentary


Brazil’s new Internet ‘Bill of Rights’ aims to protect the country’s privacy


Death of internet activist and innovator creates call for updated copyright law


In Spain, legislation to crack down on online piracy draws protests

Arts, Culture & Media

Online, considerable anger over Stop Online Piracy Act

Global Politics

A growing chorus of tech companies and online engineers are criticizing two laws winding through Congress, SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act ,and the PROTECT IP Act, which they say will stifle free speech and undermine the Internet in general.

Lawrence Lessig on ‘Fair Game’

Global Politics

The Stanford law professor and web icon talks to Faith about why he’s decided to tackle corruption and the influence of money in politics.

Cell Phone Data a Legal Gray Area in the Courts

What happens when technology moves faster than the laws that govern it?  That’s the major question before courts across the country, as cell phones, and the overwhelming amount of data they hold, become evidence.   Congress passed the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the  law that governs email communications, in 1986, a lifetime ago in the tech world. The […]

Supreme Court Rules Against GPS Tracking

On Monday the  Supreme Court ruled unanimously that police violated the 4th amendment when they placed a Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking device on a suspect’s car and monitored its movements for 28 days. In his opinion on the case, Justice Anthony Scalia wrote that the use of GPS constituted a “search” and therefore requires a […]

Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian on SOPA Shutdown

More than 7,000 websites shut themselves down on Wednesday in a one-day protest of the anti-piracy bills now in Congress. The blackout has some U.S. lawmakers thinking twice about voting for the bills. The Protect IP Act, or PIPA, lost support from two former co-sponsors, Republican Senators Marco Rubio and John Cornyn.’s co-founder, Alexis […]