
Sebastian Junger, director of the Oscar-nominated war documentary "Restrepo."

Sebastian Junger on PTSD: ‘It’s coming home that’s actually the trauma’


Veterans’ post-traumatic stress may have less to do with what fighters see on the battlefield and more with the kind of society the soldiers return to. That’s what veteran war correspondent Sebastian Junger believes after researching the topic and talking to veterans of America’s wars.

Why the Boston Marathon bombing made me watch mixed martial arts


Getting the Right Boots for Soldiers


Combat Hopak: Ukraine’s Martial Art Based on a Traditional Dance

Remembering Keiko Fukuda, the Mother of Judo

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Israeli Soldiers Refuse to Give Up Their Patchouli

Arts, Culture & Media

The story tells that soldiers in the beginning would put perfume of their girlfriends, and afterwards they put something else. It’s a special liquid.

The World

American Muay Thai Fighter in Thailand


Muay Thai boxing is Thailand’s national sport. Boxing with eight limbs – legs, knees and elbows as well as arms – is not for the faint-hearted, combatants can be female, and even American.