Cannabis smoking

A man in white lab coat holds a glass container while others watch

Thailand is betting big on cannabis. Visit its first legal lab.

Health & Medicine

Thailand once issued severe penalties for marijuana users. But the perception of cannabis is rapidly changing, with talk of churning out “world-class cannabis” from Thailand’s lush farmlands. A few months ago, scientists started the first-ever cannabis laboratory — one of the few legal facilities of its kind in Asia.

a soldier and policeman face a field with their backs to the camera

Is medical marijuana the antidote to Lebanon’s trade deficit?

Men hold up marijuana at the house of reggae legend Bob Marley.

Should the Caribbean embrace legal marijuana? Many say yes

Men hold up marijuana at the house of reggae legend Bob Marley.

Should the Caribbean embrace legal marijuana? Many say yes

Cannabis slogans

Does marijuana need a rebranding to move into the mainstream?

Lifestyle & Belief

Israeli company says its developed medical marijuana strain that won’t get you high

Health & Medicine

Israel has had legal medical marijuana for about 10 years. But a recent development stands to potentially change the market, with an Israeli company saying it has developed a THC-free strain of cannabis. THC is the ingredient in marijuana that produces the “high.”

Court OKs Netherlands ban on foreigners using famous marijuana cafes

Global Politics

The Netherlands is moving to ban foreigners from the coffee shops that have become famous for selling legal marijuana. Locals will still be able to visit, but a court on Friday approved a national ban on outsiders being served in the cafes. Some government officials and shopkeepers, however, are upset by the new ban.

Dutch drug tourism

The Dutch have liberal drug laws, but some local officials are fed up with foreigners who invade their towns looking for drugs.

America’s Relationship with Marijuana

America has a love-hate relationship with marijuana. Millions of people use the drug but it remains mostly illegal. A journalist and self-professed marijuana enthusiast explores the country’s dysfunctional relationship with cannabis and his own experience with the drug in a new book, “Marijuanamerica.”    Part travelogue, part analysis, author Alfred Ryan Nerz goes inside a […]

Israeli Company Removes THC for New Medicinal Marijuana

Conflict & Justice

Israeli researchers say they have developed a variety of cannabis that can fight disease without inducing the effects associated with smoking a preparation of the plant’s dried leaves known as marijuana.