Apple Store

V.V. Brown’s Travelling Like the Light

Arts, Culture & Media

After making a splash in Europe, the delightful V.V. Brown releases her first album, Travelling Like the Light, in the U.S. today. And she’ll perform a set at the Apple Store in Soho tonight at 7 p.m. (It’s free!) Not in New York City? You can still see V.V. play live. She stopped by Studio […]

In the wake of iPhone 5, is Apple’s mystique causing it as much trouble as benefit?


The return Steve Jobs and other Apple news


Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs dies at 56


Apple CEO Steve Jobs resigns


Tributes to Apple co-founder, innovator Steve Jobs


Heads of state, business and technology leaders, and throngs of consumers, who were touched by his products, are paying tribute to Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who died Wednesday at age 56.

Apple in the Post-Jobs World

Every year, Apple fans celebrate spring by watching the unveiling of the company’s latest technological breakthroughs.  But this year for the first time, the media circus was held without its key ringleader – brand mastermind and former CEO Steve Jobs, who died of pancreatic cancer last October. So beyond the products, there was a sense of […]

Apple & Foxconn: Is the ‘Disinfectant’ of Sunshine Starting to Work?

It remains to be seen whether these moves will result in real improvements, but they’re at least an implicit pledge of change, and they almost invite an even brighter spotlight on the largely dark backstory behind Apple’s glistening products.

The World

Soul-Searching Over Apple Exposé

Global Politics

The World’s environment editor Peter Thomson has been reading the news on Apple’s supply chain, and shares some thoughts on Apple, human rights, and us.

The World

Apple, Human Rights, and Us

The concerns have been mounting for years, but suddenly, with last week’s blockbuster NY Times series on Apple’s supply chain, the question is on everyone’s lips: have the defining consumer products of our time been created at an intolerable human and environmental cost?