Alternative education

Kids playing on tree

Nature-based preschools, where children spend most of their day outside, are a growing trend in the United States


If you ever wondered why America is slow to protect the environment compared to Europe, you might consider how we educate our children.

An experiment in teacher pay

De-schooling our lives

Prescribing nature for children

Health & Medicine

Look Don’t Touch

Homeschooling on the Rise Among African-Americans

According to the National Home Education Research Institute (NHEI), about two million American children (about 4 percent of all American students) receive their education at home. The NHEI claims that those families are usually white Christians in rural areas who disagree with the public school system on religious grounds.   Although no formal accounting is necessary […]

‘Tebow Bill’ May Allow Home-Schoolers to Play on High School Teams

Named for Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow who was allowed to play sports at his local high school during his home-school days, a new bill could give Virginian home-schooled students the chance to play sports with their peers. While some are applauding the opportunity for these students to have a chance to participate, others say it’s […]

The World

Planetary Quiz

Steve talks with Kevin Coyle, president of the National Environmental Education and Training Foundation. The group sponsoring a poll which found that most Americans lacked a basic knowledge of what causes pollution and what we do with our waste.

The World

Education reform on the ground: Baltimore and New York City

Global Politics

We’ve been talking all week about improving American schools. Do we increase funding, create better tests or shut down failing schools? Today we look at two cities experimenting with their own education policy reforms, Baltimore and New York City.

The World

What teachers want: largest ever survey finds out


The largest-ever survey of American teachers was released yesterday. Forty thousand teachers answered questions on how to fix schools and what they need to do a better job.