In December 2013, we asked to hear your resolutions about making time for creative projects. Adrienne Ognibene said she wanted to rediscover her talent for painting — and, without a home studio, she’d have to do it in the kitchen. Her goal is to create six paintings and twelve large-scale charcoal drawings.
September Update:
It is funny how much things can change, even in the past few months since my last blog. I have had a bit of a career change, in which I just started a year of service as an Americorps VISTA working with the Jewish Social Services Agency in Rockville, Maryland, as part of the White House initiative to support Holocaust survivors.
While I am very excited and believe this is very important and good work, it did change my August plans from painting, reading, and relaxing to a whirlwind schedule of family visits and work training. I have, however, finally finished the still-life study of a basket of peaches I started last winter and a quick drawing of what I think of when I think of fall: big comfy sweaters and a mug of tea. My summer painting in the series of seasons I am working on has hit a snag and has been sent to the corner to think about what it has done (or while I think about what to change so I like it again). I am also working on a painting to be entered into the art contest for the 2015 Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. As part of the contest rules I am not able to show the painting here but I do have a sketch I can share.
As always seems to be the case with me, I find the balancing act of work and other life stuff with time to paint is a bit tricky. But I am really excited to be going to a blacksmithing class in two weeks. While not painting or charcoal, I loved my sculpture courses in undergrad and I am really looking forward to spending three days in an artistic community not worrying about work, or laundry, or even cooking.
I am still hopeful that I will hit my resolution target, though I am beginning to think the 12 drawings was a little optimistic. I still, however, prefer soft vine charcoal to any other medium out there so I may just go charcoal crazy before the New Year.
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