Biden in China

US Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Beijing on Wednesday evening, kicking off a 6-day visit to China that will take him to meet the country's top leaders and tour some far-flung parts of the country.

It's Biden's first official visit to China as vice president, and he's expected to spend at least part of his time discussion the US debt crisis. China has chided America for its recent bloody fight over raising the debt ceiling, and raised concerns about the downgrading of US debt as an investment. Still, Beijing's sovereign wealth fund has continued to accumulate more US debt in recent months.

The White House says that while in Beijing, Biden will meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao, and his expected successor Vice Premier Xi Jinping. Xi is expected to assume the top power spot from Hu in China next year. Biden is also slated to Chengdu, before traveling on to Mongolia and Japan.

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