A girl shows her Facebook ‘wall’ on her mobile device in Jakarta on February 2, 2012.
If you're still not on Facebook and want to become the social networking site's one billionth user, wait until August.
The UK digital marketing agency iCrossing expects Facebook will reach that milestone this summer, and Facebook's latest regulatory filing shows it already is well on its way.
Facebook at the end of March had 901 million active monthly users — up a whopping 33 percent from a year earlier.
A few other interesting numbers from the Facebook filing:
— 526 million users visit Facebook every day.
— 488 million users accessed Facebook via mobile platforms in March.
— 125 billion "friends" have been made since Facebook's launch.
— Facebook useers generated an average of 3.2 billion — yes billion — likes and comments a day in the first three months of 2012.
Naturally, Facebook in its latest pre-IPO financial filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission said it believes "Facebook has become an integral part of many of our users’ daily lives."
The numbers suggest nearly one in every seven people on earth is on Facebook.
Facebook is so popular in Chile, Turkey and Venezuela that the company estimates 85 percent of those countries populations have Facebook profiles. Just over 60 percent of American, British and Indian web surfers use Facebook, while the social networking site has yet to catch on in South Korea and China.
Just one in five South Koreans is on Facebook, and Facebook hasn't been able to make a dent in the Chinese market where access to the site is restricted.
If you're wondering how Facebook stacks up against the competition: Twitter has an estimated 140 million active users, Google+ has an estimated 90 million users. Pinterest, the latest darling of the social media world, sees fewer than 12 million visitors a month.
There are an estimated two billion Internet users in the world and Facebook said it aims to "connect all of them."
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