A screengrab of http://kim.com/mega/
While his lawyers fight for the return of user data under digital lock and key by the US government, Dotcom is forging ahead with plans to resurrect his file-sharing empire. This week he revealed his plans to launch Megaupload’s successor, Mega.
With a launch scheduled for the one year anniversary of Dotcom’s arrest, Mega said he has enhanced user privacy to keep law enforcement at bay.
“In the past, securely storing and transferring confidential information required the installation of dedicated software. The new Mega encrypts and decrypts your data transparently in your browser, on the fly,” read the teaser at Mega’s URL posted late Wednesday night.
“You hold the keys to what you store in the cloud, not us.”
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With data being encrypted and decrypted on what could be millions of users’ personal web browsers, authorities will be hard pressed to find their way into the site and access user and file data.
To further decentralize the site’s infrastructure, Mega is looking to team up with a large number of hosting partners outside of the United States. These partners, or “Mega Storage Nodes” as the site refers to them, will provide the physical servers themselves as well as support and connectivity for the site.
"It is not safe for cloud storage sites or any business allowing user-generated content to be hosted on servers in the United States, or on domains like .com/.net. The US government is frequently seizing domains without offering service providers a hearing or due process," read the site’s teaser.
Also through Mega, Dotcom is looking for investors. Adding to the large amount of capital already raised for the new site, additional investors will allow for Mega to remain free of charge.
Since the launch of the site’s teaser, Mega has received millions of unique visitors from all over the world, including the FBI, according to Dotcom.
“All FBI agents pressing reload hahaha….. We see their IP addresses. LOL!!!” tweeted Dotcom.
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Something of an eccentric millionaire, Kim Dotcom’s mansion in New Zealand was raided earlier this year in a fashion fitting for drug kingpins. The raid itself has become controversial. Dotcom’s attorneys and his supporters argue that the use of helicopters, submachine guns, assault rifles, attack dogs and brute force against Dotcom in front of his wife and children was excessive.
Also enraging New Zealand citizens is the presence of the FBI during the planning and execution of the raid.
The US is attempting to extradite Dotcom from New Zealand on charges of racketeering and money laundering, arguing megaupload.com facilitated huge amounts of internet piracy and online copyright violations.
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