Various news channels showing the attacks in Mumbai on 11-26-08. (Image: keerthi, Flickr)
The BBC’s Adam Mynott talks to John Hockenberry about the fallout from the Mumbai attacks. Mynott reports from the largest railway station in Mumbai, the scene at the greatest death toll on Wednesday, where gunmen killed 50 people on platform 13. But today, Mynott says the people are getting back to work.
The repercussions globally from the Mumbai attacks have continued, but things are most critical in India. The most significant news is the fallout in the Indian government and reports that one of the gunman has been captured by Indian authorities and has been interrogated. The gunman is badly injured and in the hospital but has been giving some information. As to how accurate the information is, it’s hard to establish. The gunman has lead authorities to believe that the attack was formulated in Pakistan, the attackers came ashore by boat and proceded to mount their attacks.
Mynott: "Intelligence had been gathered here in the city by those who carried out this attack well before the assault was mounted. People are talking about research possibly even beginning a year ago. Not only did they know the layout of the city well … but they also knew very intimately the layout of the Taj Hotel, which was where the long-running seige took place …"
In the Indian government, there is evidence coming through that intelligence about this possible attack was circulating but was not acted upon. As a result of that, the National Home Minister has resigned and the Chief State Minister has offered his resignation and his deputy has resigned. This is probably an indication that there will be a restructuring of how India views it’s security. This is going to be a major factor in the elections. The opposition are already making some accusations about the government not being prepared for this tragedy.
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