GOP nominee John McCain concedes

A zeitgeist moment, a mandate for change, and a glimpse of the real "real America". Sorry Joe the Plumber. Tonight America turned the page. Americans lined up in record numbers to vote for the country’s first ever African American President. Against so many odds, the self-described "skinny guy with a funny name" carried the red states of Virginia, Florida, Ohio, and Colorado.

Fighting tears Republican nominee John McCain concedes defeat in a teary speech, praising Obama his audience booing his concession. McCain commends Obama for his historic achievement, what it means for African Americans, and expresses sorrow Obama’s grandmother never lived to see the day.

"These are difficult times for our country and I promise to do all I can to help him," says McCain. The Arizona Senator calls for the country to come together, and "leave our children and grandchildren a better country than we inherited." …

Senator John McCain’s concession speech provided by Capitol News Connection.

Created by Bureau Chief and Executive Producer Melinda Wittstock, Capitol News Connection provides insightful, localized coverage of participating stations’ congressional delegations.

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