Hayley Miller


Editorial intern at GlobalPost.

The World

Don Cornelius: Love, peace and soul train


The Soul Train emcee was found dead in his Los Angeles home earlier today from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Proposition 8: 5 surprising facts

Apple: Top 5 controversies

International Women’s Day: 10 women you should know

The World

International Women’s Day: 10 women you should know


They say it’s Pi Day. Now what?


Here are five things to do on this so-called Pi Day.

Goldman Sachs resignation: Intern reveals what it was like working under Greg Smith

Former Goldman intern says he holds Greg Smith in “high regard.”

Man convicted of stealing $2 million from Cisco is back on the job

After 33 months in jail, Kent Scott Andrews is back at the company where he got convicted.

Zynga just bought Draw Something developer OMGPOP

After 6 weeks and 35 million downloads, Draw Something’s developer OMGPOP has been bought out.

Google scared this 27-year-old entrepreneur into changing his idea — now his company is worth more than $500 million

Why Aaron Levie, CEO of Box, decided to switch gears upon hearing rumors of Google’s latest enterprise.