
Red poppies in green grass under a blue sky.

Rewilding war zones can help heal the wounds of conflict


Once a human conflict has ended, the return of nature to barren landscapes becomes a potent symbol of peace.

The World

Wired Wilderness

“Border Security” bill would exempt many public lands from environmental regs

The World

Clinton’s Wilderness Legacy

The Wilderness Act at Thirty-Five

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts about… the Gila (HEE-lah) National Wilderness and its native lizard, the Gila Monster.

The World

Alaskan Reserve Opening for Oil Exploration

One of the most remote and pristine stretches of the United States may soon be crawling with heavy equipment searching for oil. After an 18-month study the Clinton administration says it is opening nearly four million acres of wilderness on Alaska’s Arctic coast to oil exploration. Living On Earth’s Senior Correspondent Peter Thomson traveled to […]

The World

Life in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge

A new estimate of the amount of oil beneath the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has reignited the debate over whether or not to allow oil wells in the remote Alaskan preserve. Much of the land is officially designated as wilderness. But a slice of the refuge’s coastal plain was left without such protection, because of […]

The World

Wild Chain-Saw Trails

The chain-saw is the fastest way to remove the record number of fallen trees now obstructing trails in wilderness areas, but some doubt that the noise pollution they create makes it the right way if these places are to remain truly wild. That’s what’s behind a dispute about chain-saws among back country users in the […]

Listener Segment

Reactions to our recent segments on Utah Wilderness and deforestation in Cameroon.