Wampanoag people

Colorful red and purple maize ears.

What the first Thanksgiving dinner actually looked like


Wampanoag leader Massasoit Ousamequin sat with “some ninety men” at the first Thanksgiving table in 1621, likely eating goose, duck and venison rather than turkey. A savory seasonal sobaheg stew, yes. Mashed potatoes — nowhere to be seen. Corn, a cornucopia.

Squanto as captured slave. One of the reconstructed scenes from a new exhibit in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Native Americans get the chance to tell their side of the Pilgrim story

William and Alice Bradford in the doorway to their home. The couple is portrayed by real life couple, Chris and Norah Messier.

Pilgrims recall their first days in America as immigrants

Lifestyle & Belief

A Historical Tour of the Thanksgiving Table

The Second Annual Living on Earth Winter Storytelling Feast December 15, 1995