On Tuesday, Ukraine is celebrating 10 years since the start of the Maidan Revolution, the uprising that led to the downfall of the pro-Russian government and closer ties with the European Union. It also sparked a new wave of aggression from neighboring Russia that led to its full-scale invasion nearly two years ago.
Around the world, questions have been asked over the legitimacy of many world leaders’ claims of academic achievements. The list includes Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin, who have both been suspected of plagiarizing their doctorates.
Ukraine’s former president Victor Yanukovych spent more that $30 million on his personal estate before he fled for Russia. Think private zoo, crocodile skin-lined planters and a copy of John and Yoko’s white piano.
It’s been exactly a year since the first demonstration in Maidan Square in downtown Kiev. That protest led to a revolution in Ukraine, civil war and partial Russian occupation. Families have been torn apart. And it has left Ukrainians with mixed feelings.