Venture capital

Teen scientist Alexa Dantzler

Want to be a woman entrepreneur? Here’s advice from those who have made it


When you picture what success looks like in Silicon Valley, you might think of a hoodie-clad guy fresh out of Stanford — or maybe an older, tie-wearing investor type. But what about a woman?

High-tech companies say they can’t find people to hire

Sustainable Business Development

Venture Capitalists Invest In Younger and Younger Entrepreneurs

Closing the Gender Gap in Tech

The World

Unemployment on the rise as economic hard times continue

Looking for work will be a challenging prospect in the coming months as the nation grapples with a wilting economy. Eric Janszen, president of iTulip Inc. and a former venture capitalist, joins The Takeaway to discuss the plight and repercussions of unemployment.

The World

Sustainable Business Development

As public officials and individuals seek fast solutions to economic woes, sustainable investor Woody Tasch advises investing in businesses that are good for the planet but slow in financial returns. He discusses his ideas and new book on Living on Earth.

The World

Clean tech cleans up


Host Bruce Gellerman talks with market analyst Ted Sullivan of Lux Research about clean tech ‘boomlets’ and the future of green investing.