Tutsi people

Nearly a decade after genocide, Rwanda aspires to high-tech future

With high population density and few natural resources, Rwanda is trying to carve out a path to a prosperous future using the model of one of the great Asian economies: Singapore.

Rwanda’s President responds to genocide accusations

Rwanda Aspires to Become the ‘Singapore of Africa’

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Rwandan President Paul Kagame Addresses Accusations of Habyarimana Death

Global Politics

Rwandan President Kagame ‘Sparked 1994 Genocide’

Conflict & Justice
The World

Kagame expects resounding victory in Rwanda’s presidential election

Global Politics

For a better understanding of the political climate in Rwanda, we talk with Stephen Kinzer, author of ‘A Thousand Hills: Rwanda’s Rebirth and the Man Who Dreamed It.’ Will Ross of the BBC reports from a polling station in Rwanda.

The World

Frenemies: Congo and Rwanda team up to fight rebels

Conflict & Justice

The Congolese government has been battling rebels led by Laurent Nkunda. This week, the Congolese government joined forces with it’s former arch enemy Rwanda in an offensive against the rebels and today reports say the joint force has arrested Nkunda.

The World

Government and rebel troops clash in Democratic Republic of Congo

Global Politics

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, fighting continues between government troops and the rebels loyal to the renegade general, Laurent Nkunda. The Congolese government accuses Rwanda of backing the rebels — something the rebels deny.

The World

Congolese general arrested

Conflict & Justice

Rwandan authorities have arrested renegade Congolese general, Laurent Nkunda. He’s the leader of a Tutsi rebel force in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Anchor Marco Werman gets the story from the BBC’s Peter Greste.

The World

Congo’s rebel leader

Conflict & Justice

The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country again in turmoil. The latest violence involves a rebel general named Laurent Nkunda. Nkunda’s managed to take over large swathes of eastern Congo with a small band of well-trained soldiers.