Silk Road

The Bridge of the Americas, located at the Pacific end of the Panama Canal.

China’s new Silk Road runs through Latin America, prompting warnings from the US

Many Latin American countries have joined China’s Belt and Road Initiative, including Panama. As Mexico considers whether to join, some countries in the region face pressure from the Trump administration not to get too close to China.

Venice’s Grand Canal was for centuries a thoroughfare for the global shipping trade on the ancient Silk Road.

Italy is caught in the middle of the EU’s tussle with its ‘systemic rival,’ China

On China's New Silk Road
A billboard advertising the "China dream" in Chengdu, China, in June 2019.

The ‘China dream’: The new Silk Road begins at home

On China's New Silk Road
A screenshot of  the Silk Road website, allegedly an underground online drug market, after it was closed by U.S. authorities November 6, 2014.

Will the real Dread Pirate Roberts please stand up?


Shangri-La is no more, after a massive fire devastates an ancient Tibetan village

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Chinese Space Lab To Be Launched

Arts, Culture & Media

The Geo Quiz wants you to name the city 60 miles from the launch center.

The World

Geo answer

Arts, Culture & Media

We wanted you to name a city in China that was once a stop of the Silk Road. The answer is Kashgar in China’s Xinjiang Uighurs Autonomous Region. Reporter Anne Donohue visited Kashgar and sent us an audio postcard.