Shale gas

Shale gas pipes

Fracking is on the rise in Pennsylvania. So are radon levels. Are the two connected?


Pennsylvania homes have high levels of radon, a substantial risk factor for lung cancer. Is the fracking boom makings matters worse? Scientists aren’t quite sure.

Fracking in PA

Fracking often gets blamed for water problems, but it’s not a clear cut case

Isabelle Levy

Will the French ban on fracking crack under industry pressure?


Researcher looks to better understand climate risks of leaky natural gas wells


Farmers in Pennsylvania taking proceeds from fracking and investing in solar


Coal country incensed at what it sees as Obama’s overreach on coal regulations


The people who live in the communities that produces America’s coal are mobilized to get President Barack Obama out of office. They see his policies and his EPA as implementing new regulations that are directly costing their communities jobs.

China turns to fracking to help meet growing energy demand


Hydraulic fracturing has recently emerged as an alternative source of energy in the United States. Now China, the world’s largest energy consumer, is experimenting with it. The Chinese government hopes the controversial technology will help wean the country off dirty coal.

Burning water, contamination and natural gas “fracking”


Does natural gas “fracking” contaminate water supplies? A new report strongly suggests it does.

Fight over natural gas gets heated


Natural gas could reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but some are questioning the potentially destructive way that companies extract it.

Fracking in the UK: Supporters Look to Avoid ‘Reckless’ US Mistakes

As the UK gears up to start a gas-fracking industry, government and industry say they’re determined to avoid the mistakes made in the US. But observers differ as to whether the country is better prepared for the risks.