
The red meat scare

Health & Medicine

A new study finds that a diet rich in red meat and processed meats can lead to premature death.

The Perfect Protein

Does Finding Purpose Have Health Benefits?

Chemicals That Promote Obesity Down the Generations

New Nutritional Standards for Disney

Carving Out the Meaning of the USDA’s “My Plate”

Arts, Culture & Media

Lisa Mullins talks with Nicola Twilley, author of the blog Edible Geography, about the US Agriculture Department’s new “My Plate” symbol and other nutritional guideline symbols used around the world.

Food Pyramid is Ancient History

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has decided to knock down the 20-year-old nutritional food pyramid and replace it with a simpler guide to healthy eating –  a plate. Today the USDA will unveil how they think your dinner plate should look. But while the portion-divide plate might be a more digestible representation of a good diet, […]

Fresh Winter Foods

Steve Curwood talks with nutritionist Jennifer Wilkins of Cornell University about what winter vegetables are available, and how best to eat and use them.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Orange Cauliflower

Researchers have found the genetic mutation responsible for the orange cauliflower’s color. They hope it will lead to more nutritious staple crops like corn, rice and potatoes.

The World

Environmental Health Note/Moderation is Key for Vita-E

Living on Earth’s Jennifer Chu reports on research that suggests too much vitamin E might be bad for your health.