The price of gasoline is on the rise, and so is debate on fenergy solutions. In a recent campaign advertisement, Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich blamed the Obama administration’s “anti-gas” policies. However, the President remains firm in his belief in a need to invest in alternative energy sources.
Top members of the GOP and Newt Gingrich are trading barbs after Gingrich criticized the Paul Ryan budget. After Donald Trump’s announcement that he wouldn’t run, Gingrich may be one of the most bankable presidential candidates for Republicans, but is he already burning bridges? Newt Gingrich said about Paul Ryan’s proposal: “I think that that is too […]
Newt Gingrich is entering the “exploratory” phase of a possible presidential run in 2012 against President Barack Obama and a host of Republican challengers. Gingrich’s biggest political accomplishments on the national stage arguably happened when he swept into Congress with a Republican majority in the second half of Bill Clinton’s presidency. But where are Newt’s […]