
High school student creates computer app for diagnosing breast cancer

Health & Medicine

This year’s winner of the Google Science Fair is Brittany Wenger, a 17-year-old high school student from Florida. For her award-winning project, Wenger used her knowledge of computer science and biology to design an app to help doctors diagnose breast cancer.

The World

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Zap! Natural Mosquito Prevention

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Health Note/CA Cancer Registry

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Health Note: Sleeping Sickness

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Cancer transferred from mother to fetus


A woman in Japan has helped scientists to answer an important medical question; if cancer is transferred from mother to fetus. Doctor Anthony Ford is with the Institute of Cancer Research. He was on the team of scientists studying his case

Documentary Reveals Systemic Failures at Coroners’ Offices

Every day, nearly 7,000 people in America die. And when the deaths are unexpected, sudden or suspicious, it's presumed that a thorough investigation will take place. Though you might expect a thorgough and high-level investigation from TV shows like CSI, the reality is quite different. In over 1,300 counties across the United States, elected coroners […]