
The World

Iran pursues nuclear ambitions, produces yellowcake uranium


Joining us to discuss the future nuclear landscape and Iran’s position in the world is Stephen Kinzer, author of ‘Reset: Iran, Turkey and America’s Future.’

Scientist takes inspiration from natural world to create self-filling water bottle


The Shout Out Louds Record New Single on Ice Record

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Flash forward: urban fly lines and landing on water

The World

Water For Sale

The World

Urban Water Lesson

Some of us don’t know where our drinking water comes from. That’s especially true for city dwellers whose water often travels from hundreds of miles away. Many folks don’t make the connection between the picture postcards of streams in the country, and the water that flows from their faucets. Richard Schiffman reports on an event […]

The World

Mideast Water Series: The Politics of Water

Today, we conclude the re-broadcast of our special series on water in the Middle East. In the final installment of “Troubled Waters”, Living on Earth’s Sandy Tolan examines how water is controlled and distributed, and how this is fueling tensions between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

The World

California’s Warmer Waves

Two separate teams of oceanographers have recently published similar findings; over the last sixty years the surface temperature of the ocean off the California coast has risen measurably and more warm water marine species have appeared. The researchers have also found that some cold water marine life has disappeared, and there are fewer species overall. […]

Water War Heats Up

Steve talks with reporter Maia Krache of member station KQED in San Francisco about the latest chapter in California’s water crisis. Recently federal water suppliers announced a total cutoff of water to some seven thousand farmers, only to partially reverse itself two weeks later. Krache says debate over the future of the Golden State’s water […]

The World

Desert Water Keeper

The dry US west depends on irrigation to grow crops, and farmers depend on a “zanjero” to open and close the gates on the canals that steer water into their fields from great regional aqueducts. Meet Jose Romo, a veteran zanjero who ensures the country’s