Ovarian cancer

Baby powder

A jury has found what science still has not: A link between baby powder and cancer


The science is inconclusive, but juries recently decided against Johnson & Johnson in two cases where plaintiffs claimed their ovarian cancer was caused by long-term genital use of baby powder.

Baby powder commercial

Women are suing Johnson & Johnson over talcum powder


Supreme Court grapples with question of whether human genes can be patented


Best care for ovarian cancer poses problems for patients

Health & Medicine

Genetically tailored virus may cure leukemia

Health & Medicine

Cancer as Silent Killer in ‘Memoir of a Debulked Woman’

Ovarian cancer is called the silent killer. Most women don’t receive a diagnosis until the disease has spread and the chances for survival have dwindled. Unlike breast cancer, the chances for long-term survival with ovarian cancer have hardly improved since the 1970s. The available treatments are extraordinarily painful, as  Dr. Vivian Bearing, the main character in […]