Organizational behavior

Shoppers wait in long lines in front of a storefront window that reads "Black Friday" in black and white letters.

Why do Black Friday shoppers throw punches over bargains? A marketing expert explains ‘psychological ownership’

Lifestyle & Belief

Have you ever felt as if another driver stole your parking spot? Understanding “psychological ownership” may help us get through another Black Friday without throwing punches or getting caught up in a stampede.

Bill set to be considered this week would try to address gender gap in wages

Global Politics

Closing the Gaping Gender-Based Wage Gap

Show Producer’s Blog: Newsroom Hubbub

Listeners Respond: The Two-Tier Wage System

The World

Workplace Hazards

Lex Gillespie reports from Washington on the increased risks for Hispanics in the workplace. A recent study indicates Hispanics are twice as likely to suffer from the effects of toxins used in the workplace.

The World

Woman’s work

With men getting laid off at a faster rate than women, we ask is there such a thing as a gender that’s recession proof?

The World

Paris gasoline: $9 per gallon

Americans may grumble about the high cost of filling up their cars, but imagine paying more than $9 for a gallon�that’s the latest price in France where Parisians are finding their standard of living is not what it used to be