On the Origin of Species

Darwin inside cover

A new book examines ‘The Book that Changed America’


Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species” arrived in the US in 1860, as the slavery debate raged and Civil War loomed. Its ideas were instantly absorbed into those discussions.

Darwin the Abolitionist

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The Living on Earth Almanac

The World

Darwin: A Life in Poems

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Darwin: A Life In Poems

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Look at Charles Darwin’s legacy as the theory of evolution turns 150, A


One hundred and fifty years ago, Charles Darwin’s theories of evolution and natural selection were presented at the Linnean Society of London. A year and a half later, Darwin published what is now a monumental work: The Origin of the Species. The Takeaway looks at Darwin’s legacy and the continuing debate surrounding evolution.


Studio 360 puts evolution to the test. On the Origin of Species is 150 years old, but the work of Charles Darwin remains as influential as ever. Darwin’s descendant, Ruth Padel, writes poems about her famous relative. Spencer Wells gathers DNA around the world to determine where we came from. An amateur paleontologist finds a […]