
Sudanese asylum seeker Abdul Aziz Muhammed, who has been stuck in a Australian-funded immigration detention camp on a remote island in Papua New Guinea for nearly four years. His only hope is that the Obama-era agreement to resettle refugees like him to t

New hope for a Sudanese asylum-seeker stuck in an Australian offshore detention camp


On April 22, the Trump Administration said it would honor an Obama-era agreement to resettle refugees stuck in Australia’s controversial offshore detention camps. This means that after nearly four years, 25-year-old Sudanese refugee Aziz may finally get a new home.

Refugee advocates hold placards and banners during a protest in Sydney on October 5, 2016.

Is the Australian government enabling crimes against humanity in its offshore detention centers?


VIDEO: Australia plans to offshore handling of refugee review

The World

Australia Considers Re-opening Nauru Detention Centers for Refugees

Conflict & Justice