Mental processes

Our brains and New Year’s resolutions


The science behind keeping resolutions — why our brain might actually prevent us from being successful in following through.

How we remember


The Real Science of Erasing Your Brain

The World

Making Memories with a Microchip

Global Politics

Making Memories with a Microchip

The World

Saving Memories on a Microchip

Global Politics

Ted Berger is trying to build a microchip that can remember things for us. He teaches at the USC, and his goal is to create a device that can take over for the hippocampus of the brain, translating thoughts into long-term memories.

The World

Report: Brain Implant Could Restore Memory Loss


Scientists have come one step closer in the development of neuroprosthetics that may help restore memory loss. A brain implant, tested in rats, successfully restored lost memories and strengthened old ones. Science reporter Benedict Carey joins us.

The World

Catholic Earth Sprituality

– Spring is the season when life mysteriously remerges out of the cold winter soil. For Christians around the world, spring also means Easter: the celebration of Jesus’ ressurection. A growing number of Roman Catholics are making conscious connections between these two events–linking their faith and their concern for the earth. But as Richard Schiffman […]

The World

Emerging Science Note/Dream On

Living on Earth’s Jennifer Chu reports on a study that identifies the dream center of the brain.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Short-term Memory Box

Living on Earth’s Jennifer Chu reports on a study that provides a neurological explanation for the old adage “out of sight, out of mind.”