Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations

Farmers in Mozambique trying to adapt farming to climate change


As the rain and water in Mozambique becomes less predictable and less suited to subsistence farming, aid groups and the local government are trying to help some change the way they farm so they’re not so paralyzed by a flood or a drought. But there’s a lot of work to do.

Takeaway Host John Hockberry Checks in From Africa

The World

Why Some Parents are Worried About the Decline of English in Malaysia

The World

Caribbean island

Arts, Culture & Media
The World


The World


Storyteller Ken Corsbie of Guyana and Barbados performs the birth of the steel drum, in poetry, and spins tales about northern habits of materialism.

Early Signs: New Zealand’s Climate Refugees

Many people from the small Pacific island nation of Tuvalu are resettling in New Zealand because they fear scientists’ predictions that a rising ocean could swallow their low-lying country.

The World

Geo answer

Global Politics

For today’s Geo Quiz we asked where Islam ranks among the many religions of India? The answer is SECOND?right after Hinduism. Now one conservative Muslim group has declared that the national song is un-Islamic. The BBC’s Chris Morris has the story.

The World

Pacific tsunami strikes

Global Politics

A tsunami triggered by a strong quake in the South Pacific has killed more than 100 people in several islands. At least 77 people were reported dead in Samoa, more than 25 in American Samoa and at least six in Tonga. The World’s Jeb Sharp has the latest