Mark Hertsgaard

Generation Hot: Impact of climate change on children


A new father comes to terms with his hopes and fears for his daughter’s future with climate change, and the solutions he came across.

Off the Debate Agenda: The Unmentionable Threat of Global Warming

The World

Mark Hertsgaard: Fatherhood and climate change

Lifestyle & Belief

Year in Review

The Politics of Coal

Environmental Riders

Congress and the President are still attempting to work out how to appropriate the budget for this fiscal year, which began on October 1. One of the sticking points is a group of environmental riders attached to larger spending bills. Mark Hertsgaard (HURTS-guard), Living On Earth’s political observer, speaks with Steve Curwood about the behind-the-scenes […]

Climate Change and the Drought

Living On Earth’s political observer Mark Hertsgaard (HURTS-guard) talks with Steve about the summer’s biggest environmental story: the weather. When it comes to recognizing a link between global climate change and the hot temperatures and massive droughts, he says we’ve got our heads in the sand.

Environmental News Roundup

Living On Earth’s Washington observer Mark Hertsgaard briefs host Steve Curwood on the latest environmental news from Washington, D.C., including: new vehicle emissions standards, a courtroom defeat for the EPA, and anti-environmental riders in Congress.

Weekly Environmental News Wrap

Steve talks with author and journalist Mark Hertsgaard [HURTS-guard] about the environmental impact of the war in the Balkans, as well as disturbing news about a vulnerable nuclear stockpile outside Denver, Colorado.

Earth Odyssey Q&A: Mark Hertsgaard

Host Steve Curwood speaks with journalist Mark Hertsgaard, who took a six-year journey around the world to write his latest book, on our environmental future.