
Monarch butterfly (Photo: Karen First)

The monarchs were missing this summer … and we and weather were to blame


Monarch butterflies, one of North America’s most recognizable and well-loved insects, have nearly disappeared from much of their range this year.

Monarch butterflies threatened by loss of habitat


Undercover with the world’s most notorious butterfly smuggler


Monarch Migration

Swallowtail Butterflies in Canada a Sign of Warming


Ugandan Butterflies Indicate Change

In Uganda, butterfly numbers are down dramatically. We profile one scientist trying to find out why. Also what butterflies say about a changing landscape and climate.

The World

Ode to Caterpillars

Dave Wagner literally wrote the book on caterpillars. We head into the field with the biologist to learn why he calls the larvae truly wondrous.

The Living on Earth Almanac

This week, facts about… the annual migration of Monarch butterflies — millions of them.

The World

Monarch’s Winter Home Threatened by Logging

Bob Carty reports from Mexico on the threat to the winter home of the migratory monarch butterfly. The monarchs migrate 3000 miles a year between Canada and central Mexico, but the mountain forests which harbor them during the winter are slowly being felled by logging.

The World

Monarch’s Winter Home Threatened by Logging

Bob Carty reports from Mexico on the threat to the winter home of the migratory monarch butterfly. The monarchs migrate 3000 miles a year between Canada and central Mexico, but the mountain forests which harbor them during the winter are slowly being felled by logging.