Languages of Ukraine

In the town of Suceava, Romania, the Mandachi Hotel and Spa, a four-star hotel converted its ballroom into a temporary shelter, serving food and other supplies to Ukrainian refugees.

‘We have compassion for them’: Romania is taking in thousands of Ukrainian refugees


Though Poland has taken in the bulk of refugees, two of Europe’s poorest nations — Romania and Moldova — have accepted more than 160,000 people so far. 

Are you Ukrainian or Russian? It’s complicated…

Lifestyle & Belief
Early Ukrainian diplomacy. The Zaporozhian Cossacks reply to the Sultan of Turkey, by 19th century Russian artist, Ilya Repin. Ukraine has always been vulnerable to more powerful neighbors.

Ukraine’s identity crisis is nothing new

Global Politics
The World

Ukraine’s language

Global Politics
Women walk past a movie theater in central Kiev. Cinemas are the new testing ground in the debate over how to promote the Ukrainian language in the country of 46 million after centuries of dominance from Moscow.

Which is Ukraine’s native language, Ukrainian or Russian?

The World in Words