Independence of Kosovo

The World

Facebook annexed Kosovo — and that’s a good thing


Getting your country recognized by the United Nations is an important step for global recognition. But it may be a bigger deal when Facebook acknowledges statehood. That’s just what happened for Kosovo. Now when you tag your friends in a photo at a posh bar in Pristina, you can list Kosovo as the location.

The Digital Diplomat

Kosovo can’t get recognition from the UN, but it can get it from Facebook

Global Politics
Nebojsa Jovic is urging Serbs to boycott the Kosovo municipal elections. He says the government in Belgrade is betraying Serbs in Kosovo by telling them to vote.

Serbs in Kosovo say Serbia is abandoning them. Again.

Conflict & Justice

Could Syria Take A Lesson From Bosnia?

Conflict & Justice

Kosovo’s No-Credit Crunch

The World

Kosovo Winemakers Stuck in the Push, Pull of a Political Quagmire

Kosovo winemakers no doubt are anxiously watching events in the north of the country where NATO peacekeepers reportedly fired rubber bullets on Serb protesters.

Breaking with Serbia Tough for Kosovo Serbs

Global Politics

It isn’t easy becomming a member of the UN, even if most countries want you there. Just ask the breakaway state of Kosovo.

EU Forces Thaw in Kosovo’s Frozen Conflict

Global Politics

The European Union requires candidates for membership to have peaceful relations with their neighbors. Twelve years after the Kosovo War, the governments of Kosovo and Serbia are trying to normalize relations.

Lessons for Libya from Kosovo

Yesterday, we discussed the differences in battle techniques between the NATO-backed uprisings in Libya, and recent U.S. military efforts in the Middle East. Our guest, Gideon Rose, editor for  Foreign Affairs magazine  and the author of “How Wars End: Why We Always Fight the Last Battle,”  said that comparisons can be drawn between NATO’s efforts in Kosovo, and […]

The World

Kosovo’s ‘The Pimpsons’

Global Politics

Kosovo designer Fisnik Ismaili is unhappy with the role of US Ambassador to Kosovo Christopher Dell has with local politics. Ismaili has created a critical comic strip called “The Pimpsons.” It borrows liberally from “The Simpsons.” Nate Tabak reports.