Household chemicals

Animals adopt varying techniques to get through long days of winter


Coping in the cold months of winter can often be a drag for humans. But for animals who hibernate or migrate they have developed strategies to get through the cold dark season.

Historic Day for Beer in Russia

European ‘Brew’haha Over Raising Beer Taxes

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Raising the Drinking Age in India

Conflict & Justice

French police unhappy about beer ban

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Health Note/Natural Insecticide

Living on Earth’s Jessica Penney reports on a new mosquito repellent that’s derived from tomatoes.

The World

Denver-New York terror case grows

Conflict & Justice

The Department of Justice indicted Najibullah Zazi, a 24-year-old Afghan living in Denver, on conspiracy charges related to an alleged bomb plot intended for the New York City subway system. We talk with reporters and a former federal prosecutor.

The World

Binge drinking in France

Lifestyle & Belief

The French have a reputation for being able to drink responsibly. But now many in France are worried about an apparent rise in binge drinking among young people.

The World

The science of beer goggles

Arts, Culture & Media

Anchor Lisa Mullins talks to Marcus Munafo, a behavioral psychologist at the University of Bristol in the UK about a new study showing that drinking a glass of beer or wine really does make the person across from you seem more attractive.