
Cup Island trash

Not many fish are left to bite in Rio’s trash-lined bay


Rio de Janeiro’s Guanabara Bay has become so polluted that catching fish is all but impossible.

Gleide Guimarães

The bigger problems behind Brazil’s recent disease outbreaks

Antonia Melo

Brazil’s huge dam is built, but these women won’t stop fighting

Melting Men

This Brazilian artist’s work doesn’t last, it melts. And that’s her point.

The basic problem facing endangered species? Too many humans.

Could the Pill save the polar bear?

Elaine Marques, 29 (center left) smiles at Germana Soares, 24, at a group birthday party for babies born with microcephaly in Recife, Brazil.

How Brazil’s favorite app is helping doctors and parents cope with microcephaly


Parents of children with microcephaly in Brazil are now finding each other via the social media platform WhatsApp. Brazilians doctors and scientists also credit the platform for helping them quickly understand the scope of the burgeoning epidemic of birth defects.

Margareth Capurro

These mosquitoes could be a weapon against Zika


The mosquito that carries the Zika virus also carries dengue and other deadly diseases. So research into how to kill or alter the mosquito population is crucial in Brazil.

Brazil Zika and Olympic budget comparison chart

The budget for the Rio Olympics is 16 times higher than the budget to combat the Zika virus


The Olympics could end up costing even more if the budget overrun hits 179 percent — the average cost overrun of the past 17 Olympic games.