
Dave Fortier survived the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing but still suffers from tinnitus, a ringing sound that doctors once told him would go away within a few days.

Boston Marathon bombing survivors deal with a lingering, invisible injury — tinnitus


The bombings at the 2013 Boston Marathon caused hundreds of traumatic injuries. But among the most common is an invisible one: tinnitus, a persistent ringing in the ears that for some people still hasn’t stopped.

Scientists taking closer look at how critical hearing is

Health & Medicine

Government Scandal Happens in Vegas, Doesn’t Stay in Vegas

The World

Emerging Science Note: Nano Ear

Day Two: The Supreme Court and Health Care

The World

Bradley Manning Wikileaks Pre-Trial Hearing Ends

Global Politics

The pre-trial hearing of alleged Wikileaks source Bradley Manning has concluded after lawyers made their closing statements. An investigating officer must now advise if he should face court-martial.

Your Take: Possible Progress from Today’s Hearing

[waitingforcorrection: guid not valid, no audio] This morning Congressman Peter King’s hearing on the radicalization of American Muslims will begin. Yesterday we asked listeners: Could anything positive come out of the hearing? You have a lot to say about it.   One texter from Oklahoma City, Okla. had this response:   Only if all stakeholders are involved […]

Listener Letters

We dip into the LOE mailbag to hear what listeners have to say.

The World

Up to Their Ears in Undersea Noise

How do different animals hear? How does infrasonic versus ultrasonic sound detection affect a marine animal’s behavior? What if any impact do ships propellers or military underwater tests have on ocean life? Dan Grossman looks at some of these questions in this sound-rich report exploring some of the scientific research being conducted into undersea noise.

Listener Letters

Living on Earth listeners speak out on what they would like to ask the 1996 presidential candidates.