
Several EU leaders are shown sitting around a long rectangular table.

Tempers flare over EU coronavirus stimulus deal; Oxford vaccine shows promise; Latina artist says goodbye to Goya

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European Union leaders’ negotiations extended into a fourth day on Monday as they try to hammer out a deal to revive economies battered by the coronavirus pandemic. Also, a potential coronavirus vaccine being developed by scientists at Oxford University shows strong immune response and no early safety concerns. And in Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro said that lockdown measures used to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus “kill” and have “suffocated” the country’s economy.

Ysabel Turner created an altar in her 2018 exhibit at the New York City Aperture Foundation.

For this Latina artist in New York, goodbye to all that Goya

Boxes of rice stream past on a food processing machine at Goya in New Jersey.

Ever think about where your Spanish rice comes from? A good bet it’s from Jersey.
