French fries

‘Give me cheese curds and give me gravy.’ This festival in Canada is devoted to poutine

Lifestyle & Belief

Over 100 restaurants in four Canadian cities brought out their best poutine dishes for a week-long celebration of Canada’s favorite dish. Steve Dolinsky visits one establishment, with over 28 types of poutine on the menu.

Belgians, Flemish and Walloon Alike, Protest Against Their Country's Lack of a Federal Government

Worried about a US government shutdown? Take a cue from Belgium

Arts, Culture & Media

Chips Funga: Kenyans transform term for French fries into slang for one-night stand

The Many Meanings of Chips Funga

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

French fries with mayonnaise

Global Politics
The World

Fast food in Nigeria

Global Politics

Mr. Bigg’s is the largest fast food chain in Africa’s most populous country. But running a fast food operation is no easy feat in a country beset by mismanagement, corruption, and a lack of infrastructure. David Hecht reports.

The World

Geo Answer

Arts, Culture & Media

The city of Drummondville in Quebec, Canada, is the answer to our Geo Quiz. This weekend the city is holding a festival dedicated to poutine. That’s french fries topped with brown gravy and cheese curd.