An intricate web of roots and fungi connects life in an old growth forest, allowing ancient “mother trees” to nourish and protect their kin. In her new book, “Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest,” ecologist Suzanne Simard reveals what she’s discovered about these connections through decades of experiments with trees.
According to Greek mythology, trees in a certain grove spoke with the gift of prophecy. There are many stories of talking trees, from the Disney film Pocohontas to the Lord of the Rings. Now, a German forester says trees actually can talk — at least to each other.
New mapping technology is helping activists and companies pinpoint exactly where tropical deforestation is happening, down to the individual tree. It’s a potentially powerful new tool for identifying who’s responsible for illegal cutting and getting companies to clean up their supply chains.New mapping technology is helping activists and companies pinpoint exactly where tropical deforestation is happening, down to the individual tree. It’s a potentially powerful new tool for identifying who’s responsible for illegal cutting and getting companies to clean up their supply chains.
The REDD program, facilitated by the United Nations, seeks to preserve crucial forests using financial incentives and markets. But in four years since opening shop in Indonesia, the program has struggled to make a meaningful start.
Plantation industries have taken root across much of Southeast Asia’s peatland forests, disturbing habitat with the highest carbon content in the world. The release of carbon from Indonesia’s vast and deep peatlands has made this developing country the world’s third largest greenhouse gas emitter. Some forest experts say slowing this release could be one avenue for quick action on global warming. But how and whom to pay to stop Indonesia’s carbon hemorrhaging in places like Riau province remains unclear.