Fauna of Asia

The World

A National Geographic photographer tries to save endangered tigers through his photos


There’s been a spate of tiger attacks in India recently, creating pressure to hunt and kill these large cats. While it seems like every zoo has a tiger, the dangerous animals are actually endangered in the wild.

Bo Xilai Trial Ends in China

Australia trying to educate citizens on crocodile safety — to save the crocodiles


VIDEO: China releases six giant pandas into ‘semi-wild’

Secret lives of animals captured by hidden camera


Deadly Neighbors: Australia’s Saltwater Crocodiles

Health & Medicine

The residents of Australia’s Northern Territory share their land with one of the deadliest predators on the planet — the saltwater crocodile. A government program called “Be Crocwise” is doing its best to keep the peace.

Okinawa Outrage Over Rape by US Sailors

Conflict & Justice

Tensions between Japan and the United States flared up this week after two U.S. sailors allegedly raped a young woman on Okinawa.

A Controversial Wildlife Refuge on Tiger Island

Global Politics

A new and controversial wildlife sanctuary for the “conflict” Sumatran Tigers is the subject of a new BBC Natural World documentary “Tiger Island”.

Leatherback Turtles, Bulldozers and Human Nature

This week’s news about the disastrous deaths of thousands of young and still incubating leatherback turtles in Trinidad reads like something out of a dark comic novel, a gross parody of a cascade of bad decisions resulting in an epic disaster […]

Blog: Face-to-face with an Indian Tiger

I woke up at 3 a.m. I hate early mornings and this was, by my standards, still late night. The sole aim of the day was – to see a tiger in the wild. Not pacing in its cage, but in its natural habitat.