
British primatologist Jane Goodall

Dr. Jane Goodall on her work with chimpanzees, and the new documentary ‘JANE’


“The magic of being able to interact with creatures who’d been running away from you for almost a year was something real special, and that comes out very strongly in this film,” Dr. Goodall says.

Middle School Metal: Unlocking the Truth

Arts, Culture & Media

Darwin the Abolitionist

Arts, Culture & Media

Evolutionary roots of xenophobia


E.O. Wilson, from Ant Colonies to Human Nature

Xenophobia’s Evolutionary Roots


Is it human nature to distrust people unlike ourselves?

The World

Return of the Tibetan Antelope

Wildlife biologist George Schaller comments on his search for the chiru.

Living on Earth Profile Series #21: E. O. Wilson: Of the Grasshopper and the Ant

Living on Earth producer Kim Motylewski and host Steve Curwood profile Edward O. Wilson. The sometimes controversial Harvard professor turned his childhood passion of studying insects into a lifelong career as a researcher, teacher and author of books on animal biology, ecology, human population, biodiversity and a new theory called the “Biophilia Hypothesis.”

Biophilia Response

Listeners discuss the recent broadcast about Edward O. Wilson and other scientists’ theories that people and nature are genetically linked.

Chimpanzees and Us

Steve talks with primatologist Jane Goodall and author Dale Peterson about their recent book Visions of Caliban, on the treatment and behavior of chimpanzees in captivity and the wild.