
Is your BPA-free water bottle as safe as you think it is?


In 2008, the FDA banned Bisphenol A (BPA) in children’s products over rising evidence and concerns that the chemical acted like a hormone and led to potentially serious health problems. BPA-free bottles hit the market — and new research suggests those may be no safer.

Is your BPA-free water bottle as safe as you think it is?


New research says commonly used chemicals are partly to blame for obesity

Health & Medicine

New Study Finds Estrogen Lowers Breast Cancer


The Search for Evidence in the Okefenokee

Alligators have outlived the dinosaurs, and survived predation by human beings. But now, they’re facing a new threat: synthetic chemicals which interfere with their ability to reproduce. Steve Curwood visits the Okefenokee Swamp, where scientists are investigating the effects of estrogen-mimicking hormones found in common industrial compounds on the sexual development of alligators.

The World

Bisphenol A on the Burner

A growing body of research points the finger at Bisphenol A, an endocrine-disrupting chemical compound, but will policymakers heed the science?

The World

Emerging Science Note/Toxic Breakdown

A non-toxic catalyst holds promise for detoxifying estrogens found in our water.

Gender-Bending Fish

There’s something fishy about Colorado’s South Platte River. Researchers there have found increasing numbers of mutant fish  ? male fish with female attributes. And they suspect wastewater carrying estrogenic compounds like birth control pills might be the source of the mutations. Host Steve Curwood talks with head researcher David Norris, of the University of Colorado, […]

The World

Health Note: Brains on Estrogen

Living on Earth’s Jessica Penney reports on research that suggests estrogen may play a role in problem-solving abilities.