Educational technology

Elementary students sit in a computer lab at school

Sal Khan on leveling the playing field, in and out of the classroom


Father of online education weighs in on learning loss, screen fatigue and education no longer bound by time and space.

Before the pandemic, each student in the Uruguayan public system already had a personal computer under Plan Ceibal, which started in 2007. 

Uruguay’s virtual education was ahead of the curve when the pandemic hit

Child in the shade outside

Families leaving traditional education have lessons for those left behind

Hossanna Pacheco, bottom left; her mother Mireya Pacheco, top left; sister Mireyari Pacheco; and sister Nefthali Pacheco at their home in Los Angeles.

Virtual schooling poses extra challenges for English-language learners

A girl and a computer

Online learning holds great promise — but mostly for the well-off
