Economics of global warming

dried mud in south africa

Climate disruption is worsening global economic inequality


New research finds that since 1961, global warming has reduced the gross domestic product of poorer countries an average of 25%, while some richer countries have benefited.

A Polish coal power plant

Obama administration re-prioritizes climate change and makes a ‘serious offer’ for climate talks


California’s climate bill debate

Global Politics

Australian Government Offers Carbon Tax Plan

Global Politics

The Economics of Climate Change

Whither Climate Change Policy?

Christopher Flavin, Vice President of the World Watch Institute, speaks with host Steve Curwood about the pace of climate policy action on the national level. Flavin offers criticism and praise for what certain countries are doing.

Global Warming’s Long-Term Costs

Steve talks with Richard Cline of the Institute for International Economics about the possible economic costs of global warming over the next three centuries. Cline is the author of a the new book, The Economics of Global Warming.

The World

A Treaty to Slow Deforestation

In Poznan, Poland, the push has begun to make forest protection a part of the new international agreement on climate change.

The World

Calculating the costs of cutting carbon


The potential costs of limiting carbon dioxide emissions are playing a big part in the debate on the climate bill. While some economists say capping carbon will cost jobs, others disagree. Guest: Janet Peace, Pew Center on Global Climate Change

The World

Dangerous assumptions


An article in “Nature” asserts that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has seriously underestimated the technological solutions necessary for the stabilization of the climate. The commentary is titled “Dangerous Assmptions” and it’s co-authored by Senior Scientist Tom Wigley of the National Center for Atmospheric Research.